Thursday, October 07, 2004

OK, sorry about yesterday

I had to appologize about yesterday. It still pisses me off, but I'm kinda over it now.

On a lighter note, I had a kickass dream last night. I know, I know, you don't come to someone's blog to read about dreams, but I had to jot this one down before I forgot it.

I don't know exactly where it took place, but it was a Final Fantasy dream. I was a Red Mage wearing White Mage robes for some reason. I ended up living in a castle, with a lot of other people. and I was tasked to find a man by the name Spider. I searched all over, and had fun too. I went to a night carnival, and all kinds of plains and mountains, even city slums. It was just like the games.
My dream even took my element into account. I am an air element, and my dream made my Aero spells stronger. Aeraga could let me fly on the wind (which I did for about an hour) and also had the problem with fire. I could cast Fire and Fira, but if I tried to cast Firaga, my Aero would put it out. I never found spider, the dream ended when I torched his lackeys with Fira. That's all I remember now. I'll add more if it comes to mind.


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