Monday, October 25, 2004

So lonely.

Yeah, it's an old joke. Anyways, Off of the debate for a moment:

I came to the realization that I am truly alone. Yes, I have friends and I am grateful for them, but I came to this realization last night when 2 of them came to visit. These two (which I will leave unnamed) have been 'dating' for a few weeks, and I'm happy for them. My problem is that they make out consistently in my living room, and I just put on face and deal with it. I have no qualm for love, I'm just doomed to not enjoy it, ask any of my last 7 girlfriends and my former fiance. It doesn't help that I am an evil, anti-social, grudge-holding, pessimistic bastard that is only truly thrilled by speak of video games and cartooning. I know one of the 2 in question will read this, and I'll not deny him any feelings of hate he may have toward me, but I can't bring myself to tell him directly. So I say it here: I don't mind that you are in love, but for God's sake and my own, please cut it down when visiting. It's bad enough that I feel lonely when alone, but I shouldn't have to feel worse when someone's here.

On another unrelated note: I'll be moving out of my appartment this weekend, and I'll be without the net. I may have it back up within a day or so, but it's doubtful. The only way I could accomplish that is to sign up for AOL, and I ABSOLUTELY will not do that, I hate AOL as much as Yahoo. Well, that should piss off enough people for the day.

Now back to our regularly scheduled Debate.


At 10:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, so it wasn't all that bad!  We didn't in any way mean to upset you, and in the future we will be more considerate of your feelings.  So here is your mission if you choose to accept it. 
1. In Japan, Meet beautiful Japanese woman.
2. Fall disperate, madly in love.
3. Bring her home to the USA.
4. Make out at Squall's house in front of him and Rinoa.
This we believe will settle the score, because we will be immensity jealous of the beautiful Japanese's chick in you arms. However Rinoa leaves you with this one curse, this Japaneese woman will bear you twins and they will both be girls!!!!!! (hahahahaha) :)
logging out
Squall and Rinoa.


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