Holy shit, I have a site!Y'know, this one. Duh.
I know it's been a long time, and I have excuses, but you don't want to hear them. First off:
Just got back from my first Anime Con. (Anime Banzai! 2006) Got to meet some cool people there, I.E.: Spike Spencer (Voice of Shinji Hikari of Neon Genesis Evangelion), I think me and Gryyphyn bugged the living shit out of him. (pics to come)
Also got to meet Dave of Snafu fame, found here:
Snafu Comics Got pics of that too. Dave really is an awesome guy in person. Even drew a sketch for Gryyphyn.(lucky bastard, just happened to have his sketchpad) Nyaa.
Got pics of some awesome costumes too. Lotta work put into them. Can't wait to show them off.
And now, to go find my password for imageshack, so I can get these pics up. Got lots, next post will NOT be 56k friendly. But, you know, I have no love for 56k, so I'll hear no bitching. Go get DSL at least. It's cheaper, you lazy bastards.
Got the pics faster than I thought. Here ya go.

K, that's it, go away. Cheapskates.
"What happens at the con, Stays at the con?"
Title of Spike Spencers book, coming soon.