Saturday, June 16, 2007

Never again.

Never. Never again will I live in an apartment. As I write this, my upstairs neighbor is blaring his stereo so loud it's rattling the walls. And this seems to be common in any apartment I've lived in. Some dicksuck decides he's the only motherfucker in the entire area and thinks he can just do as he pleases. Apparently, these people are also deaf. Sadly, as I live here, I am not at liberty to complain in person, as it is against apartment policy for me to even be living here. (Too many people living in the same apartment is sharply frowned upon.)

This isn't the first time they've done this, either. It's beginning to be a daily thing since school's let out. And it was daily during Christmas Vacation.

Tell me seriously. Who the fuck do you think you are? Do you only think of yourself? ARE YOU THAT FUCKING RETARDED? Goddamn. I question every day what makes me hate people so much, and every day they give me a new answer. I try not to be a violent person, but sometime I feel the only solution is to walk up to these people and make them swallow their teeth. I just...I don't know. I want to know where in the gene-pool that we lost the abilities of rationale and common sense.

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go stab this moron in the throat.
I mean, sit here and brood. I don't feel like going to prison, really.


At 11:12 AM, Blogger Dr. Worm (Matt) said...

Ah, the murderous rage that is stirred up from appartment living. I do not miss it and completely feel for you. 2:00 AM music blaring, so that you can clearly hear the DJ between songs. The damn mexican carnival music every time you try and watch TV. I feel for you, I really do. Just keep your hope that someday it will all end, preferrable not in a killing spree. Honestly, the only thing I have found that works is constant calls to the police department with noise complaints. I know, I know, no one wants to be that guy, but it is all they understand. When you are some redneck, g-wanna be, drugged up freak, whatever you may be and the cops start beating on your door, it may scare you enough to stop. Assuming they have any kind of brain cells or rational fear response. Maybe if they have a warrent or some such thing or drugs to hide, I don't know, you won't want the cops to constantly come about. The cops notice when you are calling them every half hour to hour, yes it has come to that, and will finally do something.


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