Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Ozy and Millie

Heard of it?
Neither had I until the other day. I happened upon it while looking for things to read. (All my other interests hadn't updated yet.) Upon finding this comic, I started from the beginning, and in 3 days I have read the entire archive. This comic started in 1998, by the way, and is still going strong.

I found Ozy and Millie intriguing in that it looks like it's made for the newspaper comic section, but it doesn't pander to kids. At least, not all the time. The comic deals in Zen, politics, philosophy, and everyday life. It deals alot with child-like (and sometime childish) humor as well, to break up the serious parts; kinda like Calvin and Hobbes. It's worth a read, I promise.

I'll leave you to it. I'd link some of my fave strips, but you'd most likely just follow those and not read the rest. I'll let you discover what made this comic so good to me.

And for those that are still a bit slow: If you're looking for a link, try clicking the post title. (Again with the Orange vs. Black. Last time I'm going to say it. Important links will be put in the title. If you think I'm patronizing you, then this probably doesn't apply to you.)

I'm out.


At 12:10 PM, Blogger Kato said...

La lalala laaa! Hola!


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