Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Perhaps the theorists are right about 9/11?

Is it possible that (most of) the 9/11 conspiracy theorists are right? Could it be that our own government was working against us? I wouldn't put it out of my head. Now, anyone that knows me can tell you that I'm not a biased person unless it has to do with gaming, so I watched this video with a grain of salt, expecting it to be some nutjob going off on his thoughts. I was a bit taken by this movie, as it does well to describe in detail all the theories that were previously just rumor.

We all know that words can be misconstrued by people. That's one part of conspiracy theorism. People mistake things all the time, it's also part of being human. However, what if things were misconstrued towards the truth that wasn't given to us? What if the wool had been pulled over our eyes, but for a different reason? What if the WTC came down not to start a war, but to get rid of a 'White Elephant', and the war was just a cover up? Does it sound really so far-fetched?

It does if you weren't there. I wasn't there. I was in Japan. How can I say these things are fact? I can't. It's not possible by any stretch to say that I know what went on that day, because I had no part in it. I know planes hit, I know that the towers fell, and I got to wear kevlar for 2 years because of it. That's all I know for fact.

This movie (I say movie because it's an hour and a half long.) goes to great lengths to explain that it wasn't the planes or the fires that brought the towers down, but explosives. The same explosives and methods that Blasters use to demolish old or condemned buildings. Now, back to that grain of salt I mentioned earlier:

Because I don't know any of the facts outside the obvious, I watched this film with a very open mind. Short story: They almost convinced me. They had a lot of evidence and testimonies to go with the story that other theorists had a hard time proving. But, the thing about the way this story is told is that it's not one about starting a war, but one of starting an Urban Renewal. The one thing that has me going is the lack of any actual terrorist involvement in the plot, and that's where the 'almost' comes in. I'm not going to try to sway you either way, as a reader of mine, you have the intelligence to form your own outlook on this. However, as for my outlook, It's believable until the realization that the terrorists had nothing to do with it, according to this documentary. I suppose one could look past that and say that Al Quaeda simply took responsibility for it, since they hate Americans or something, but that's a whole other can of worms right there. Just off this knowledge, one could put together an entire conjoined conspiracy for it, about how it was planned between the President and Bin-Laden. But why go to all that effort just to bring a set of towers down, just to rebuild? And why kill innocents in the process? I won't take that thought process any further because I'm not a conspirator and I'm not a total nutjob.

All in all, it's really just another case of 'What if?', only done to the point of 'maybe so'.

Final thought: I'm convinced that this is how it may have happened, but not in the exact way they describe it. I think there's more to the story than what was and will ever be given us. But, that's a generalization that anyone can make. Again, I don't claim to know the facts, but when someone offers a new plot to the story, I'm willing to listen. I like a good mystery.

Oh, Link to movie in the title. Seemed redundant to post it in the story.


At 11:28 PM, Blogger Squall said...

Another good person to research is Professor Stephen Jones of BYU. He has been conducting research on how the towers fell and pretty much proves that thermite was used. He has written several papers regarding this matter and has many videos at and His home page is

I strongly believe that this was no terrorist attack and I agree with what you said about Al Quaeda taking credit because they hate the US. There is more proof that this was planned by people on our own soil than it being a terrorist attack.

At 12:07 AM, Blogger Kato said...

FYI, the link isn't working. At least not for me.

At 11:56 AM, Blogger Baren said...

Thank you for pointing that out, kato. I didn't think the link would go dead that quickly.

At 1:03 PM, Blogger Dr. Worm (Matt) said...

What? Taking credit for something like this, just because they "hate America", come on now. They are terrorists and all, but can we really say that an organized group of that nature would take credit for something they did not do? An interesting theory and fun thing to think about, but give me a break. I know we can't really say there is honor among a terrorist group, but I am not buying this. Just my two cents.

At 10:08 PM, Blogger Baren said...

Now now, I think you read into it wrong. When I brought up the whole 'Taking Credit' bit, it was a broad speculation based on the events in the video. I didn't mean to make it sound as though it were fact. It was meant more as a 'What if?' Nowhere in the film was this even insinuated. It was just something that popped into my head while writing the post. Rhetoric questions and all. No sir, I am more a firm believer in Occam's Razor.

At 9:27 AM, Blogger Dr. Worm (Matt) said...

Okay, sorry to play the blame game. I should not have read this much into your statements. It does present an interesting "what if?" story, but I agree the simplest solution is probably the correct one.


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