Saturday, August 25, 2007

It slithered out from the depths..

And arose with a tremendous cry. The sound traveled for many miles, heard by thousands. What they heard caused them not fear nor anguish, but caused rejoice. It was the cry of triumph, for the one who let out this mighty cry was none other than...


Okay, so maybe it wasn't that extensive, but I was uber excited to get my net turned back on so I could tell you all...

Good news from Kvatch for a change:*
I gots me a job.
With Geek Squad.
Huzzah's are in order here, people.

Starting today, I took my place among the ranks of fellow Geeks. Needless to say, I'm damn proud of that fact. I am in the Counter Ops position. (For those that don't know, I'll be in charge of making sure your computer gets received, worked on, and back to you safe and sound.) I won't be working directly with the computers very often, but my role is still vital in that I make sure those persons that are supposed to be working on them are doing so in a timely fashion. Also, If your computer is an in-store pickup, I'll be calling you every day after it's finished until you come take it out of my hands. Also I get to wear the Geek Squad black Polo. Stylish and comfortable, and just in time for the winter months. Yays.

Also, friendly reminder: My Birthday is in 5 days. Send an email or something. Cash is even better, but not required. Don't bother calling me, my phone won't be operational for an undetermined amount of time.

Until I decide to post again,
*Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion reference. I expect all of 1 of my readers to get it.