Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Holy crap where have I been?

I know I've been away for a time, and I have a good excuse....


..no I don't. I've been addicted to the game that caused me much agony in days past: Final Fantasy XI.
So, I've decided that I need to update you all on current events. That is, if I have any readers remaining. Without further ado:

1. I have a new car. 1998 Pontiac GrandAm SE. She's beautiful.
2. I have seen one of the best anime known to man: Howl's Moving Castle. Miyazaki-San made it and it is gorgeous. I suggest finding a theatre that plays it and seeing it. You'll not be disappointed. On that note: get Steamboy. Just came out on DVD today.
3. Ramen is God. Do not argue.
4. Smith's has gone and aided in my caffiene addiction by selling 2Liters for 31 cents each. Bastards. Normally only 61 cents.
5. Square-Enix continues to add things to FFXI to continue my addiction to it as well. Again: bastards.
6. I have quit smoking. Moving on...
7. Sept 20 2005: Disturbed will release "10,000 Fists." You WILL buy it or I will find you and eat your children. Or you can go to
Disturbed's MySpace and listen to "Stricken" and "Guarded", both new singles on said album. Listen and love. If you at least do that, I will be sated. >.>
8. Squall and Rinoa are to be wed in 2 weeks. (Both of which are friends of mine. Not to be confused with the ingame characters) I will be in attendance. Expect and update after the Bachelor party. Hopefully with pictures.

That's it.



At 3:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 3:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice site!
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