Thursday, November 11, 2004

Stupid things, Part 2

1.AOL. I think that one explains itself.

2.Compaq. I called tech support after a stint of my own stupidity, (I formatted, but didn't back up my drivers. No, I don't have my original disc either.) and found out that they wanted me to pay for a new set of drivers. Well, that was until they checked and told me that they don't sell my drivers. They gave me a worthless phone number and sent me on my way. The point is, they wanted me to pay for something that I already own, and noone else can use. Stupid.

3.AOL. I cannot get over the painfulness of this, so it gets 2 spots. Noone should have to suffer dialup, and I run at half speed for some reason making it worse. Loading a page at roughly 3k/sec makes it unnecessarily painful to update, hence the reason for the long span in both the blog and comic.

4.People that don't chain their dogs at night. Self explainitory. I need therapy over this one, as I had a run-in with a loose dog last week that thought it would be fun to chase me back into my own house. I'd wished I had my sword. Now, I can't go outside to smoke without carrying a weapon of choice with me, and checking the windows to make sure the coast is clear. Although, the thought occurs that had I let the dog get me, I'd beat it with a stick, find the owner and sue the everliving fuck outta them. Take that, you animal rights bastards. Which brings me to:

5.Animal Rights Activists. Don't get me wrong, I don't beat on animals for fun (anymore) but if something is threatening to take my arm off, I'm gonna either A: run like a bitch on fire or B: take the thing down by any means necessary. I don't wanna hear none of that "It was only defending itself" bullshit, either. If a fucking dog can run up and across the street to attack me in my own yard, it's not defending itself, it needs to be shot. Twice. In the head. It's called self preservation, people. Kill or be killed, ever hear of it? Animals do it all the time. I only bring these guys up because I was talking to a lady in the mall that happened to be an activist, and she said to me the above quote. She didn't wanna talk to me anymore after my response. I'll leave it at that.

6.People glued to their phones. Everywhere I go, there is someone attached to a phone. I can't use my net during the day because my sister (I'm living with my mom temporarily. I got booted from my appartment, and needed a place to stay until my move to Japan. I've only been here a week, so don't get any ideas.) can't remove herself from the phone long enough for me to do so. She's afraid that she'll miss a call from her boyfriend in Alaska. Tough shit. I had to wait months at a time to talk to my fiance while I was in Japan the first time. I'd have no problems with this, except she talks to him every fucking day. She's not missing anything that important, I'll tell ya that. I almost got into an accident while driving to a job interview (which ended up with some other fuck getting the job. Grats, bastard. Burn in Hell) at Hot Topic. The dude made a left turn right towards me, and didn't even see me because he was on: you guessed it: a phone. My superior driving skills allowed me to miss him, and he went on his merry way, not even batting an eye. If I was insured I woulda let him hit me, so I could take a chunk outta his ass AND his wallet. However, my insurance is expired, and I need to renew as soon as I find a new job.

7.Medical fees. This one takes the cake. How anyone affords to stay alive is beyond me. I recently had 6 stitches in my arm from a weapon mishap, and the bill was $500. Nearly $100 per stitch. My mom, on the other hand, has it worse with a recent surgery that put her down 10 grand. Ten Thousand Dollars! Who the holy Hell can afford this? Yes, that total is including the insurance. People shouldn't have to give a half year's wages for medical treatment, it's ridiculous. If my arm is attatched after hanging by a thread of skin, I shouldn't have to pay for it for the rest of my life. I'd rather tear the damn thing off and live with a stump. Doctors need to get over themselves and do their damn jobs without worrying about the fees. You are there to save lives, not buy stupidly expensive cars and expect your patients to pay for them. I hold high respect for doctors that take that phrase to heart. They drive normal cars like the rest of us, and don't charge you your testicles (or ovaries) for treatment. Thanks, Doc. My hat's off to you. You know who you are.

8. Professional Sport Athletes. Overpaid Whiny Bitches. Getting paid millions of dollars to run around a field or court for a few hours, and bitching that they don't get paid enough. Bullshit. They get paid more than they are worth. I don't care how hard your training is, I don't care how hard you get hit in a game. Why? Because it's just that: A fucking game. You play it in your backyard, at the park down the street, wherever. (For those that care, I played baseball in junior high, and Softball for the Navy. I know what I'm talking about.) I don't see any of those kids at the park playing football making any cash out of it. They play it for the love of the sport. You jocks need to rethink what you play for. You should be so lucky to get paid at all. I'm sick of athletes complaining about their pay. It make me sick to think they get paid assloads of cash to do what I did for fun in junior high. STOP bitching and enjoy what you get. You don't deserve it.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to sleep. I'm posting at 2AM, because I have no daytime use of my own damn net. (see #6)

Lates, you magnificent bastards.
"Are you selling Penis Mightiers?"


At 11:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with everything you posted here Baren, this is a messed up world we live in these days. I would like to comment on your bit with the medical bill crap. As you know I has oral surgery about a year ago to have my four wisdom teeth pulled, two baby teeth pulled and to attach a bracket and gold chain to two empackted k9's. This is a lot of work and much to go through in one session and they charged us a little more than $800. That is a lot of money but when broken down, it's almost reasonable. A couple of months ago, I had to have one of my brackets repositioned so we could get better pull on the tooth, now keep in mind that the tooth has moved in this time so it is really close to the surface and easy to get to. They charged me over $500 just to reposition a stupid bracket that took lees then 30 minutes.

This is why I'm afraid to go to the doctor, I feel like they want my left testicle if I ask the time of day. I hope that Bush or someone decides to fix our messed up health care system because it blows and you shouldn't have to be rich just to see the doctor.

I'm rambling now but I also want to say that AOL really dose suck and nobody should use it no matter how desperate or computer stupid they are, and any one with a dog that doesn't chain the thing up is just asking for problems.

Logging out

At 6:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lol this is so funny hahaah


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