Tax returns
I recently went and did my taxes (well, not so recently. It was about 2 months ago.) and was patiently awaiting the $3000 in tax returns. Not bad for 4 years worth. *I suck at paying taxes on time*
So long story longer: I just got 5 letters in the mail. 4 from the state, and 1 from the IRS telling me that I can't get my returns, because the forms weren't signed. Bullshit. I did my taxes at H&R Block, and they made sure that I sent the signed copies. So...I dunno. All I gotta do is send them some forms and wait another forever.
It just really pisses me off that it happened.
That's it. Now go away.
"You! Intruder! Get you the hot bullets of shotgun to die!!"
P.S.- If any of you bloggers out there read this, maybe you can tell me why I get redirected to my dashboard everytime I come here. It's been happening since I made my GuildWars Diaries blog. Now I can't even see the Birdhouse. Every link to it takes me straight back to my dashboard. Even the 'view blog' button in the posts section.
I have just spent the last 72 hours in Heaven. As you all know, I am a sucker for MMORPG's (Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game), and recent news led me to a new one. Guild Wars is an MMO that is still in Beta, due to be released on April 26th-ish (date is in the air between the 26th-28th). I had the benefit of preordering the game, and as such got to participate in the Beta event held this past weekend. I can easily say that I will enjoy this game for a very long time. My first impression was: "Oh, God, another 'pay for play'." Not true. Thanks to the geniuses over at ArenaNet (offspring of Battle.Net) the online play is 100% FREE! Just as it SHOULD be, I'm looking at you Everquest, City of Heroes, SQUARE, etc. That is how MMO's should be. Buy the game and play for free. I don't insert a $20 bill into my PS2 to play Devil May Cry, do I? Anywho, here are some shots of the last hour of the Beta demo.

We all danced next to the large bonfire in the town square.

Necromancers know how to get down!

The night ended with some freebies and fireworks. I hope to God they don't do a server wipe after this.
I'm not even going to do a full review on this. Just look at the screenshots and you'll see.
Final Rating: 10/10
No other game in history has ever gotten me this excited. Buy it, Pre buy it, I don't care how you get it, just get it. I'll see you in Ascalon.
Psycoticism and you
If you ever wodered just how psycotic you are, there is a test for it. I took it, and realized just how fucked up I really am.
I think I need to see a shrink in the next week or so.
I'd forgotten this place existed.
Just a tiny update for ya. If you like politics and the thought of raising your own country, this is the place for you:
NationStatesto see my country, go here:
The Holy Empire of Shenzen>That's it for now.
I love you guys.
April Fools.
I can't go away, there's too much to talk about still, and I am nowhere near low on material. You didn't actually think that I thought it was a waste of time. Not with 1500+ pageviews. Really, I know you all love me and you have just stated it.
Within a couple days, I hope to have a new game review for you, and maybe a new comic (OMFG, I still do those?). I've been away because I had finals this week, plus alot of new clients on my plate.
If I do end up going away, it won't be for something stupid like yesterday's reasons. I get more hits here than I do at DeviantArt, but I still post there. In fact, I've just uploaded 5 new pics this week for those that don't ever visit it.
So, yeah. I'm here to stay. And honsetly, I really didn't think anyone would fall for that.
See ya when I do.
P.S. (Mr. Me)- I
DO have you as a contact in skype. I"m just never on when you are, apparently.
Goodbye, you bastards
Y'know, I'm sick and tired of posting here without any recognition. So, because it's been a waste of my time, I think I'll just call it a life. It's been fun, but I just don't have it to go on.
Besides, it's not like I post anything interesting here anyways.
So long,
P.S.: I"ll leave up the old stuff for now, in case there's anything you wanna read again one last time.