I have recently had the insatiable urge to play Final Fantasy 11 once again. Normally, this would be frightening, except that they are offering a month free to people that have left and come back. I am one of those, and it's been over a year since my 3 week stint in Vana'Diel. Guild Wars did it to me. I swear.
To play again, I needed a new login ID and Registration codes, since my old ones were no longer valid. I got on to live chat with Customer Support. This is what I saw for almost an hour:

Fortunately, once I finally got someone to help me, it was quick and painless. They were surprisingly helpful at that point.
After all was said and done, it was time to logon and patch the client. (If you don't know what that means, you should play more online games.)
This is what I got:

Remind me never to go a year without patching again. If I do, remind me not to go back at all.
After the initialization of the files, the actual patch started. I find this to be slightly frightening:

I'll post more as it develops.
"I'd have a quote, but I can't think of any. This will do fine."
Star Wars ep. 3
I just got back from seeing SW ep3. I personally found it to be better than the first 2. I really can't explain why, maybe because of the shortened time spent on love scenes, and more time spent on moving the story along. Lightsaber duels are very awesome, and this episode had no shortage of them. (Yoda kicks the most ass in a lightsaber duel, hands down.) Although almost 3 hours long, it moves at a fast enough pace to keep you entertained and not bored out of your skull. The introduction to Darth Vader is very well done, telling it from when he went evil, how he went evil, and why he has his suit. The whole movie is like a dream where you remember seeing it, but can't remember anything afterwards. Which is why I'm not writing alot. I'm going to see it again, so I can actually tell more about it. However, based on what I do remember, I suggest seeing it. Now. Stop reading this tripe and go.
I don't care if you're at work. Do it.
"Here, just sniff this a little *sniff*. Just inhale it up your nose, it'll make ya feel good!"
I don't have anything for the Birdhouse today. Maybe a little bitch about how my webcounter isn't working *AGAIN*, but I think I can survive.
The update today is the Guild Wars Diaries. I figure none of y'all knew it was there, since ya never check my links or anything. The title is one link, then there's another in the links bar. I'll be updating there a little more frequently than the Birdhouse, since I'm practically living in Tyria.
Other than that, I gave up my Web development job for a job at Taco Time. I know what you are thinking, and I can't say I blame you. However, what more can you ask for when the store manager is one of your good friends? I got an excellent starting wage, though I'm not at liberty to say how much, as he and/or his brother read this frequently and I could get fired for discussing it.
Ok, I lied when I said I didn't have anything for the Birdhouse. Sue me.
"You know what I have?"
"Uh, Weapons of mass destruction?"
"No, I got some ferrets with me."
"Bull." - George Bush and Gary Busey
Leave it to Bush The Toilet Online