Monday, August 15, 2005

So it comes to this...

I know about spam, all too well. Anyone that has a functioning Email account does. However, I never expected my BLOG to get spam. It takes someone really special to write a program to spam blogs. Someone......'Short-yellow-bus-approved' special. To see what I am talking about, go ahead and read the comment attatched to the previous post. Well, don't READ it, just skim over it. Reading it would accomplish the goal of the asshat that posted it.

By the way, if said asshat is someone I know, I no longer consider you a friend.

Next Update: The Wedding and the Gamer.



At 1:33 PM, Blogger Me said...

Isn't that shit... well... shitty? Stupid spamming mother fucker, I really hate those type of people. For future reference, I *think* that there is a way to hide certain comments (or possibly delete them) if you are the owner of the blog - but I'm not 100%.

Looking forward to your next update.
Your avid reader,
~ Mr. Me ~

At 5:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think their needs to be a law that goes against any spammer (email, fax, blog, junk mail) that if they are caught, they are taken out to a special place and executed on public TV.

Their are gigabytes of wasted bandwidth from all the email Spam. Thousands of poor trees that die from all the crap Spam faxes and junk mail that we all get. And those poor servers that push all the blogs and email, they could use a break.

Let us make some laws and break some spammers. We shall end them...

Logging out


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