I can't wait to hear this one
Dr. Worm was supposed to come help me move, and I really needed the help. I don't know what happened this time, but it's the 3rd week in a row he promised to come out, and I forgive him for the first one. This weekend was a little more important, as I needed the help, and now I have to cram my entire move into one day. Last week it was because of the weather, well this weekend the weather is prime material, and I see no reason that he couldn't make it. Needless to say, I am not pleased, and I hope he's got a good reason. A DAMN good reason. I really would like to meet back up and catch up before I go back to Japan, but it's looking very grim. I don't know how I'm going to fully accomplish the move now.
I have given my rant for the day. This will be my last one for quite a while, too.
So, until I return, Lates all.
A new game to kill time with
I didn't want to play any more MMOPRG's, after my stint with Ragnarok Online (which isn't so bad, it kept me sane) and Final Fantasty XI (which is a game to play only if you have extreme patience and a healthy supply of Prozac), but I have managed to get in the scene again with a new one called 'Maple Story'. More a side-scoller than an RPG, but all the elements are there, including a decent sized map and several different job classses and sub classes. I found 2 things wrong with the game so far, though:
1. The difficulty is NOT for the weak hearted. Expect a hard time if you are making anything but a warrior, until you get high level. (Level 20 is considered high, which brings me to my next point)
2. Gaining EXP is like picking your teeth with a rusty nail. Between the miniscule amount that enemies give you (which, on the other hand is easy to acquire considering the unhealthy re-spawn rate) and the quests that you can't do until level 20+, you'll be a few days before you really get anywhere. I just made lvl 15 today, and I've been playing for 3 days. Lets not forget, for all you Ragnarok fans, the loss of EXP when you respawn. I'm not talking 1% as in aforementioned game, I'm talking between 10-15%
of the total amount needed for next level per death.
But to be fair, the game is still in Beta, and it's free. It's definitely a game to check out despite the above cons. It's mildly addicting, but not a soul eater like Ragnarok. Items are easy to come by, cash isn't that scarce, and nothing you need is unreasonably priced, again unlike Ragnarok. (As much as I bag on RO, you'd think I hate it, but you'd be wrong.) This is a game that you can literally pick up on your lunch break, and still keep up with. The highest level I've seen anybody get to is lvl 35, and they've been playing for a very long time. I may as well write a full synopsis on the game, since I'm half way there, and I'm bored.
The game starts you off in the Beginner class, and you are able to move on to your next job at level 10, assuming you meet the requirements.
1st up: Warrior. Typical warrior, able to use knives, swords, spears, axes and maces.
This is definitely the class for n00bs. (I'll admit once again that I use a warrior.)Relies on STR, and can use heavy armors. Subclasses are: Fighter, Page and Spearman, which in turn can level up into 3 new classes apiece.
2nd: Magician. Magic user, can use knives and wands. Typically wears Robes and light armor. Relies on INT. Subclasses are Fire Wizard, Ice Wizard and Cleric, each with 3 class evolutions.
3rd: Bowman. Archer. Can use daggers, some spears and bows. Wears Light armor. Relies on DEX. Subclasses are Hunter and Crossbowman. Each with 3 Evolutions.
and last but not least, the coolest class in any damn game: Thief! (AKA Rogue) Uses daggers, swords, fists, stars, and katars. Wears light armor and standard clothing. Relies on DEX and LUK. Subclasses are Assassin(!) and Bandit. Each with 3 evolutions. This job is more for intermediate players, as you WILL get your ass kicked alot, since you have no STR and little armor. However, once you build to a decent level, your LUK and DEX will keep you from getting hit as often (if at all) and they have the coolest skills in the game. I know this because I also have a lvl 10 Rogue, and he is painful as Hell to use.
To read it for yourself, go here:
I think that's about all. At least for now.
Lates, you Magnificent Bastards.
So lonely.
Yeah, it's an old joke. Anyways, Off of the debate for a moment:
I came to the realization that I am truly alone. Yes, I have friends and I am grateful for them, but I came to this realization last night when 2 of them came to visit. These two (which I will leave unnamed) have been 'dating' for a few weeks, and I'm happy for them. My problem is that they make out consistently in my living room, and I just put on face and deal with it. I have no qualm for love, I'm just doomed to not enjoy it, ask any of my last 7 girlfriends and my former fiance. It doesn't help that I am an evil, anti-social, grudge-holding, pessimistic bastard that is only truly thrilled by speak of video games and cartooning. I know one of the 2 in question will read this, and I'll not deny him any feelings of hate he may have toward me, but I can't bring myself to tell him directly. So I say it here: I don't mind that you are in love, but for God's sake and my own, please cut it down when visiting. It's bad enough that I feel lonely when alone, but I shouldn't have to feel worse when someone's here.
On another unrelated note: I'll be moving out of my appartment this weekend, and I'll be without the net. I may have it back up within a day or so, but it's doubtful. The only way I could accomplish that is to sign up for AOL, and I
ABSOLUTELY will not do that, I hate AOL as much as Yahoo. Well, that should piss off enough people for the day.
Now back to our regularly scheduled Debate.
Well, that about sums it up
Y'know, I not only touched a nerve with Mr. Me, I beat it with an aluminum bat. My last campaign poster was a bit vague, and I'd like to clear some things up. 1. Admittedly, the dough incedent did not happen upon my person, I never meant to say it did. When I made the poster, I read it in a different context. so short story: The dough was never thrown at me, but yes, I was a manager.
2:I admit, I am now a pirate, and yes it does take one to know one. Which is why I can still stand by that statement.
All of this is in good fun, but remember, mudslinging works both ways.
Scary stuff
I was passing over dogpile doing the egotistic thing and looking for my own site when I ran across another site called 'Pencil Shavings'. I didn't mind that, since there were quite a few, and the domain was pencilshavings3. I decided to take a look at it for no apparent reason, and to my horror I discovered that not only did the page share a name, it also shared the template! I was in full ego mode thinking that someone had ripped off my page, but when I looked around it, I came to the realization that I was in the wrong. That site has been there for over a year, and unbeknownst to me, I had almost copied it! (Keep in mind that this is the first time I've ever seen it) I figure to save face, I'll just change my template since I'm the new guy. Hence the reason for the new look. Just thought you should know
And knowing is half the battle.

Y'know, I love making these, and I finally remembered stuff. Take that, you pirate!
You can get there via the link in the sidebar. Thank God I have a sense of humor. Go there, buy stuff, be happy. nyaa~
Has it ever occurred to you-the stupidity of some things?
I was flipping through channels today, waiting for my net connection to be reapaired, when I came across the Home Shopping Network, or QVC, (or one of those off the wall shopping channels, I don't know how many there are. Holy run-on sentance) They were selling money. I had to watch for a minute to let it sink in. They were selling $10 in quarters for $40.00. Now these were the 'state' quarters that everyone wants, but c'mon. I can get most of those 40 quarters from the bank for guess what? $10.00. Yeah, the bank might get pissed off about searching through rolls and rolls of minted quarters, but that's their job, not mine. Mine is to DO the pissing off.
Anyways, back on Rant. Home Shopping must be on time share or some shit, because I went to watch Comedy Central at 4AM, and guess what was on. (If you can't by now, turn off your computer, and throw it far away. You don't deserve it.) I went through 12 different Home Shopping channels at 4AM this morning (not including the one where the quarters were being sold) and that's alot when you only have 55 channels. On the selling money bit: I also saw one that was selling $5.00 coins for $20.00/each. So, this brings me to conclude, doing a little math in my head, that our money is actually worth 4 times face value. With this in mind, I'm gonna go buy a happy meal with $.50, and a new car with $6000.00. Let's get serious here. Anyone that pays $40.00 to get $10.00 back is a moron in my book. Darwinism needs to work a
little faster.
That's all for now, see below for campaign update.
He's not Satan, just a Demorepublicrat.

My newest campaign hit. I hate Mr. Me over the fact that I have Jack Shit on him. I needs me some dirt.
I'm still looking for something on Mr. Me. My memory sucks, so I don't remember much from the old days. I'll figure something out, but until then, you can enjoy the ongoing campaign despute. Then get a sandwitch. Or vice versa. Whatever.
The heat is ON!!!!
So it seems that we have another runner in our Presidential debate. Mr.Me has entered the race, and he makes a fine point. I'm assuming he's our Independant, as Dr. Worm is the DemoRepublicrat (I don't know what the fuck he votes for), and I for Evil Dictator.
Mr. Me makes 2 points about my military life. Yes, I was in the Navy for 4 years. Yes, I was discharged, but honorably, and 2: Never earned a Purple Heart. There's good reason for that: I never got my ass shot. (I do hold the highest respect for my military bretheren that have earned their Purple Hearts. I also grieve for the families that lost loved ones in this war.) I have, however earned a total of 4 ribbons and 3 medals, and made Petty Officer 3rd class, up for 2nd class 5 times (which isn't easy at a 7% advancement on average) in my short 4 years, which is quite a feat, looking back on it. I also know nothing of this 'Mushroon Scandal' that Dr. Worm has taken part in, maybe he'll indulge me. Naturally, I would love to counter-sling at Mr. Me, but I have no dirt. Not because he's an angel, hell no, but because I haven't seen him in forever.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have some posters to make. He..he...he....
Vote for Pres!

Dr. Worm needs competition, and I'm the man. I mean, who doesn't want an evil dictator instead?
Mwahaha...ha...hmmm...yes. Evil things come in small packages, and I'm only 5'6".
Here's looking at you, Dr. Worm!
Another Update
Nothing real special this time, I finished the pic from the dream I had a week ago. You can see it at either of my art hosts, conveniently placed in the links bar. In other news, I'll be holding a yard sale this weekend, so anybody that wants anything can come by. (this is mostly for Dr. Worm, and anybody else that is in the Layton Ut area. I'm being forced out of my house on the 1st of Nov, and I'll need a place to live until I go back overseas, so...yeah. I wish I had the lust for football that Dr. Worm has, but I'm the art/geek/videogame type of guy. I'm waiting ever so patiently for Metroid Prime 2, Megaman X8 (prayers that it's better than X7), and a new one I just heard of: Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus starring that all time badass *drumroll* Vincent Valentine!! *drool* Apparantly, FFVII: DoC isn't going to be an RPG, but an Action/Adventure. Reviews say it's going to be closer to Devil May Cry, and from the screenshots, it looks that way. But it's Vincent! You can't go wrong with that! Go here to read about it:
On another note, I think it's about time that I start my webcomic. I'm trying to get hosting from keenspace, but I need a submission first. Since my recent venture into cel-shading, I think I now have a good start. I just don't have a subject yet. I'll think of something.
Welp, that's all for now. Until next time you magnificent bastards.

humor at it's best, and the truth too....

Why the Hell am I still up?
Ok, it's roughly 6 AM, and I am still awake. Why you ask? I have no damn clue. I have completed all of the challenges in MegaMan X Command Mission, and I feel unfulfilled. I mean, the last award given me (the one for collecting all the sketches) was a damn purple scarf for X. I have no qualm against the scarf idea, the green one looks hot, but purple? C'mon Capcom, get a better color scheme. Or at least gimme a better prize for 40 hours of work. It was no walk in the park to go through the Gaudille Laboratory 27 times to figure out what I missed. To cap on that, one of the challenges is to collect all field items (items contained in crystals, MMX's version of treasure chests). Forunately, the Sky room keeps score for you, telling you how many items you are missing from each area. Unfortunately, these include sub-tank refills, causing me to waste precious energy tanks just to collect them. IF you haven't played it yet (shame on you, you know who you are) then I'll tell you that your e-tanks are a very precious commodity, especially early in the game, and refills are far and few between in the stages.
I'm not gonna write a full synopsis on the game, there are websites for that. I just had to rant about the lousy prize I got. That's all.
On an unrelated note, Spongebob rocks. (mostly Patrick, he kills me). I have beef with Dr. Worm right now, we were supposed to meet back up on the weekend, and it didn't happen.
If you're reading this, Dr. Worm, I wanna know why. Ah, nevermind, I'll just IM you later.
I think that's all. Maybe I'll just promote my sites now (no Yahoo site, you'll notice).
Well, Later all.
http://baren1.deviantart.com [for art]
http://www.freewebs.com/baren1 [for homepage] (notice a pattern?)
If they don't auto link, it's because I don't know HTML. Just cut and paste to your address bar.
Aaaaand, I'm gone.
I learned a little HTML in about an hour. (I'm not smart without sleep, I think you can all relate) A link bar has been added. Now I don't have to feel alone.
OK, sorry about yesterday
I had to appologize about yesterday. It still pisses me off, but I'm kinda over it now.
On a lighter note, I had a kickass dream last night. I know, I know, you don't come to someone's blog to read about dreams, but I had to jot this one down before I forgot it.
I don't know exactly where it took place, but it was a Final Fantasy dream. I was a Red Mage wearing White Mage robes for some reason. I ended up living in a castle, with a lot of other people. and I was tasked to find a man by the name Spider. I searched all over, and had fun too. I went to a night carnival, and all kinds of plains and mountains, even city slums. It was just like the games.
My dream even took my element into account. I am an air element, and my dream made my Aero spells stronger. Aeraga could let me fly on the wind (which I did for about an hour) and also had the problem with fire. I could cast Fire and Fira, but if I tried to cast Firaga, my Aero would put it out. I never found spider, the dream ended when I torched his lackeys with Fira. That's all I remember now. I'll add more if it comes to mind.
Fuck Yahoo
Seriously. Right in the ass. They have the nerve to shut down my damn account without my knowledge ( I'm pretty sure they can legally, but that's not my bitch) and tell me I breached the TOS contract (that's 'Terms Of Service' for all you unknowledgables) without telling me what I breached. Last I checked, I had everything going smoothly, with no illegalities going on. I tried to inquire about my account, and I got that FUCKING AUTOMATED LETTER SERVICE! You all know what it is, and it's no damn help. Methinks I'm going to just continue saying 'fuck Yahoo' and forget trying to get my account back.
Oh, and they deleted my Yahoo group too. Bastards. If anyone working at Yahoo reads this, and the name DarknessBunnies rings a bell, yeah. I hate you . Fuck you all. Bite my Shiny metal ass. Then tell me what the Fuck I did, because I'd sure as Hell like to know what I did that all those Porn groups you have didn't.
I think I'm done now.
Fucking Yahoo...........
Bah. This is the story of my life.
All evil things aside, I can't wait to go back to Japan, despite the facts which are: I have gotten a couple job offers, and I am finally getting a roommate. Y'know, the things that woulda normally kept me here. Anywho, tomorrow I've been tasked to fix my mom's friend's computer. I took a look at it tonight, and about croaked. It was so fragmented and botted that I have to spend the better part of tomorrow to clean it up. That, and it won't connect to the net. I have to fix that too, instead of, say, tech support. oh well.
I think the scariest part of that computer is that it has a P4 2.66 Ghz processor, 40 gig HD, and only 128 meg RAM. I told him to buy more RAM before I'll even get extensive in fixing it. My English is bad tonight, I'm tired. Bite Me. Anyways, I have to go make CD's with the appropriate spy and ad ware detectors. (Spybot and AdAware).
Lates, all